Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2019)
Highest-level teaching award at UIUC given by the Office of the Provost.
LAS Award for for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2019)
“The purpose of the award program is to reward and honor the college’s best specialized faculty.”
Student Government Teaching Excellence Award (2018)
An award given by the Illinois Student government that is the “highest honor that the student body has for the educators at this University. Students nominate educators that have had a prominent impact on their academic experience at the University of Illinois.”
List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning at The University of Illinois
Featured in the Global Education & Training News
Featured in the Daily Illini article “University Pilots New Data Science Course”
Featured in video vignette “Deploying a Phone and Web-Based Digital Queue for TA Office Hours”
Ranked by OneClass as the “Top Professor at The University of Illinois”
Featured in the Daily Illini article “Popular classes have large enrollment rates, high expectations”
Featured in video vignette “Using i>clickers in a Large Lecture Class”
Featured in Daily Illini article: “Statistics classes aim to make lectures more accessible to students”
UIUC Annual Faculty Retreat Presenter, March 2020
Theme: Harnessing the Science of Emotion to Spark Learning
Title of talk 1 with Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider: The Emotion of Discovery
Title of talk 2 with Wade Fagen-Ulmscheider: The Emotion of Competition & Winning
College of Education Grad Student Conference, March 2020
Title: Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching AP Statistics
Professional development with Alpha Phi Omega (APO), October 2019
Live Visualization Creation: Perception of Words Describing Sizes of Groups
Data Science SPRINT with Illinois International’s Global Education & Training, August 2019
The best of Data Science and Visualization all within 2.5 hours
Co-taught with Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider
Monthly membership meeting with Illinois Business Council (BC), April 2019
Title: Data Science and The University of Illinois